Saturday, March 20, 2010


I got it!! I ended meeting Dad and Niki into for dinner at Olive Garden for her birthday dinner that didn't happen because she was sick on her birthday! Well I ended up going back to Mom and Dad's house with the kids to hang out with Niki and spent the night there! So when the kids were asleep Dad was there to stay with the kids! Niki and I ran over to Walmart to get New Moon at midnight!! Yeah!! Cottage Grove has some interesting people so Niki and I had some good people watching! Then we got up next morning took kids to get donuts for breakfast! Niki and I noticed Savannah was getting quieter and paler so needless to say after one day of no sick kids I headed back home to start round three of sick kids!! Now I only have Cooper who hasn't gotten it yet so maybe his day is tomorrow! At least I got to come home and watch New Moon and watch the behind the scene extras for Eclipse!!!


cathy said...

ya i watched it last night , you guys always seem sick it must be that american air, you need to come get some canadian air , and feel better lol

Talltiffany said...

Sick kids are NO fun. Yuck. You and Niki crack me up. Glad you had a bit of fun. ;)

Shan B. said...

I got mine on Saturday afternoon & can you believe I still haven't watched it yet??!! I know crazy but at least I have it in my possession :) Sorry the kids have been so sick...Hopefully it will be over soon!