Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just saying Hi!

So I wanted to share these pictures with you guys! Cooper has a obsession with having to use the mop,broom and vacumm it is great he that he thinks he is helping but ends up not really but you gotta love that he is trying! So this is where I found him the other day! Guess it was hard work!! It was just funny to me!!
Well I am feeling so much better! I am finally sounding normal again! But I have little miss Sierra who is not feeling well I feel bad for her but there isnt much I can do I am just hopeing that her ear infection doesnt come back but I have a feeling it is. I feel like my posts are boring sorry guys but not much happening! Just home with the kids and daycare kids do that whole routine daily while trying to do school work during the day between laundry, cleaning, making meals etc. then try and do some school work at night after everyone is in bed! I am doin pretty good I have gotten all A on my test except for one I got a C bummer I know but it is going good and I am enjoying it! Right now I am doing medical terminology and it is alot of information but I really like it! Thats it for now!!


Talltiffany said...

He is so funny. I love it when little ones fall asleep in the most random places. Good job getting a photo!

Shan B. said...

that's great!! What kind of school are you doing?? Ok so you have 5 of your own kids & you do daycare? I only have 2 of my own & watch 2 & I think I'm going to lose my mind some days. You are awesome!! Love ya!!

Amanda C. said...

Poor little boo boo! Ha Ha HA! I feel like that when i clean too!

summerseverydaymoments said...

Thanks Shannon sometimes I think I am gonna lose my mind! I am going to school for Medical Transcription. I am going to school so that I dont have to do daycare anymore because I dont enjoy it at all anymore!! And some parents just are very inconsiderate of your time and forget you have a life too!

mommat said...

Your little ones seem to go and go until they just crash and burn where ever they are.

You need to do a page with those pics.. If I recall, you have pics of more than one little one asleep in random places. They just tip over, and OUT! Love it.

I wish I could sleep as good.

Glad school is going well and that you like it....keep up the good work. How much longer?

cathy said...

i know about the day care thing i diid it on & off mostly on for like 15 or so years and you just get to the point , when your burned out, that's why iam enjoying life now . good luck with your schooling , you make me tired just reading all you do!!!

Branzilla said...

Those are great pictures. I didn't know you were going to school. Good for you!