Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cooper's Lips! First big owie!!

So Cooper decieded to go four wheeling with his bike he got from mom and dad for his birthday mind you I have told him several times not to do this and he did anyway! He tried to ride his bike off the step on the front porch! and caught himself with his face on the bricks that are there and he was bleeding everywhere! Took him into the emergency room fastest trip ever I had mom meet me there to help with Sierra and we were only there for maybe 30 mins so thanks mom and sorry! I was fully expecting to be there for several hours like usual. His lips looks so much better today the scab came off but still pretty brusied up on the inside of his mouth! I couldnt put this on the blog earlier because our computer died and we had to take it in to get fixed and we got it back so here I am blogging away! One of his teeth got pushed back and over but they say there isnt much that can be done!


mommat said...

It was a fast trip in the ER. Cooper was a trooper...he didn't even put up too much fuss when the Dr. tried to look him over. Poor little guy.

First of probably more to come, (sorry Summer :) ), what can I say, he has no fear.

Talltiffany said...

Poor guy. Ouch!