Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sage's Surgery!

So Sage's surgery went really well it was really fast and you wouldnt know she had surgery until her ears start to bother her. The doc said he was glad they did it today because she already had a bunch of fluid and stuff building up and she would of had another ear infection in the next couple days and that was even with taking antibotics and ear drops so I am glad we got this done and hopefully it will help the situation. Her are some pictures of Sage at the hospital. Mind you she is not happy about being there but the one where she is smileing is when they told her she could go home. So now it is Robs procedure tomorrow but he will probably be a big baby!


Talltiffany said...

YA! Good job Sagie! You were brave. So glad that is over with. Hopefully no more ear infections for you! :)

mommat said...

Way to go Sage! So proud of were very brave and you will feel soooo much better!

And you got popsicles!!!!

mommat said...

Way to go Sage! So proud of were very brave and you will feel soooo much better!

And you got popsicles!!!!

Branzilla said...

Yeah Sagie!!!!! I hope you are feeling lots better. You are such a brave girl.

rebecs said...

we are glad sage is feeling better!