Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I finished the half marathon which was my biggest goal!! Then I wanted to finish in 4 hours well I beat my goal I finished in 3 1/2 hours and I am so very proud of myself. The last few miles killed due to having huge blisters on the pads of my feet no one shared that there are tricks to prevent that from happening so my feet hurt pretty bad towards the end! I felt pretty good after wards. I have been a little sore since but not to bad. I pretty much woke up with a bad cold the next day and I haven't been feeling so hot since but hopefully I am on the way to feeling better now! But I am so very proud of myself so I had to share my biggest goal accomplishment.

Okay so I don't have any pictures which I am bummed about. Rob forgot the camera so no pictures of the finish line! They did have a photographer there taking pictures so when those are up hopefully I will have some!


Jenie said...

Way to go! That is an awesome accomplishment.

mommat said...

Nice job Summer. You should be proud of yourself!! That is a big deal!

Branzilla said...

That is awesome! Definatly something to be proud of.

Shan B. said...

Yay!!! I'm so proud of you. Sorry about the blisters...I wish I would've given you all my tips before you did it. I didn't realize it was when it was but I'm so glad you did it!!! You go girl!!!

Talltiffany said...

Good job Sum, that is awesome!

Sheep-Dog said...

What a great accomplishment! What a great example you are!I am so proud of you and who you are. Mom told me you are taking some classes? Good call. What do the Kids say? You go MOM! Half a marathon, it makes me tired just thinking about it.