Sunday, November 22, 2009


So went to New Moon last night!! Oh my gosh I loved it!!! Alot of people didn't like how they ended it but I think it was perfect because now I am on the countdown for Eclipse!!! I cant wait!! I think I am gonna go see it again with Niki if we can work it out with the kids which just might happen Rob is off the whole week after Thanksgiving! So me and Niki might have to have a girls night!! Maybe we can get mom to come along too! Did any of you see it yet and what did you think?


Shan B. said...

I thought it was great but I also love to pick the movies apart. It's just what I do but I still LOVED it!!!! You should go check out she just answered a ton of q's that readers submitted. I was actually shocked by the ending cuz I was actually there's so much more to go & I don't know if I'm gonna make it...remember I went at 12:02am after being up since 6:00am & then bam it was over. Crazy. I'm hoping to go see it again sometime this week so I can take it all in again...I'm so excited that "Eclipse" is coming out in's not that far away. I wish we were closer so we could go over it scene by scene. Love ya Summer & Happy Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!

Mommy2 said...

I'm now a fan! I don't think I will ever be as die hard as you but I really enjoyed it. I'm starting to read the books so I can prepare for the third movie, I can't wait!

rebecs said...

glad you liked it! still havnt seen it yet...