Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wow October Already!!

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot! We have a lot going on over here! We have three of the kids in sports right now so one of them or two of them have practice every night! Savannah and Sage are playing soccer and as you know Hunter is playing football! Tonight is Savannah's first soccer game! Rob and the kids will go to that while I am at the school going to all the kids classes for curriculum night! They only have three sessions thank goodness only three of the kids are in school! Also the PTO's cookie dough fundraiser is coming up and trying to get everything organized and set up for that! Then we have tons of birthdays this month!!! So I know Daniel's was on the 28th which is also Robs son's Ashtons birthday so Happy Birthday to them!!! Tomorrow is Dan's birthday so Happy Birthday a day early and then we have Hunter's next week and then Robs the following week! Then B's and R's!! Plus Halloween! Gosh this is a crazy month!! Christmas is gonna be here before we know it! I know shouldnt even be thinking about it but we have to with five kiddos!!! I will try to post picks of soccer games and birthdays!! Rob got his birthday present early! I bought him tickets to the duck game this saturday!! He is a very happy boy! I surprised so that is good!! I hope everyone is doing well too!


Talltiffany said...

VERY BUSY! But it makes the time fly, which is good. Can't wait for the holidays! :)