Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cooper is One!!!!

My little baby boy I cant not believe it has been a year since he was born the time has gone by so fast and he is not so much a baby anymore he is crawling everywhere and is trying hard to walk but his little chubby legs can't keep steady but he has discovered that he can go up stairs now and thinks it is funny when I catch him so we had get the gate out. It is amazeing how much they change in one year! He is developing such a personality of his own. He truly is such a sweet boy! Well tomorrow is going to be his party we wanted Grandma and Papa to be here for it so we are doing it tomorrow because they flew back today. I was trying to think of something that would be nice that everyone could do and take part in but was for Cooper so I decide to do a time capsule thing not necessarly bury it but put something in that would be fun to open when he is 18. He can see what our hopes and dreams are for him and to see what the times were like 17 years ago. So those of you who want to participate send on over it would be great to have everyones creative ideas to add to the capsule. Well we will take pictures and I will try to add them to blog as soon as I can!!


Talltiffany said...

Awww...I miss my sweet Cooper. It's been far too long since I have seen my nieces and nephews. I really wish I was coming up to go camping! :( Hopefully later in the summer though!