Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Highlights from Savannah's and Hunter's games

So Savannah's soccer season has started and she is doing really well and is having fun! She has a pretty big team this year and she plays a lot so that is good! Her game on Saturday she scored a goal! She was very excited about it. Hunter is doing awesome in football! His team is pretty big this year there are 24 kids on his team but now only 23 can play their game in Cottage Grove which was Sept 26th Gabe broke his arm it was pretty gross that is probably the grossest thing I have ever seen in person and that is the first real serious injury they have had since Hunter has played! His team tied their first game and have won the last two! It is very exciting!Hunter's position is Defensive Tackle for those who want to know and he is number 20!!


The Nickster said...

Thats awesome GOOD JOB savannah

mommat said...