Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sierra first major wound!

So on Friday I had to take Savannah to the doctor she was complaining that her ear hurt. Sierra is my climber and loves to climb up on the end tables, the kitchen tables, the coffee table, well pretty much anything she can get up on. So while I was gone she climb up on the table and fell and hit her nose and it swelled up she looked liked she had a little horn between her eyes. She didn't bleed or anything Rob didn't even know she hurt herself til I asked what happened to her nose! So now the swelling has is gone and as she heals the worst she looks her nose is all bruised and she has two black eyes these pictures don't show it very well but best I could get with my camera!


Talltiffany said...

That smiling pic of her is dang cute! Poor thing. Well...hopefully it just looks worse that it really is. She seems ok about it.

mommat said...

Owwwww baby!!!!!!

Jenie said...

Ouch, poor girl.