Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just some news

Okay so last wednesday I noticed I had a lump the side of my neck and by saturday it had gotten bigger so I made a appt. to see the doctor yesterday. Well I guess it is my lyphnode that is swellen and usually when it is swollen you have an infection of some kid either on your head, throat or ear which I didnt have any infection in any of those places so they are hoping that it is a infection in the lyphnode and put me on antibotics for ten days I also need to put heat on it. So hopefully that is what it is if it gets bigger or dont notice any change I have to go back in. Which would mean that it would be something more serious. So we are hoping that the antiboitics work and I wont have to have any more test done. Dont want to freak anyone out I have done enough! Just wanted you guys to know so that you guys can keep us in your prays! Thanks!


cathy said...

yikes yah good thing ya got that checked out, better safe than sorry eh , we will be thinking of ya , keep us up to date on what it is.

Talltiffany said...

OH boy...that is no fun. Keep us posted. You will be in our prayers. Love you!

Shan B. said...

I really hope it's nothing serious & that the antibiotics work. ♥ ya.

mommat said...

Thinking positive thoughts that the heat and antibiotics do the trick. You are in our thoughts and prayers...all will be fine!

Jenie said...

Keep us posted. We will be praying for you.