Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just some fun stuff!

So on Valentines Day we got up and went to Portland for the day!! It was fun! We went to Ikea!! There was so cool stuff in the as is section! But we had no way of getting it home if we bought it!! We got a bunch of little things for the house! Some stuff for the kitchen! Nothing terribley exciteing! Then we were driving around downtown and came across a place called VooDoo Donuts they were on a show Rob watched I cant remember the channel but they do the top 10 in whatever food or candy etc in each catagory well they were in the top 10 places to go for the best donuts! So we had to go and check it out Rob waited in the line with Sage and Savannah. Cooper and Sierra were asleep in the car so I sat with them! Hunter stayed with us too! The line was out the door and down the street! They have huge donuts and they were very good! It was fun!!!


The Nickster said...

Awesome guess what VooDoo donuts was on amazing race as one of the clue spots. Did anyone eat the whole thing to themselfs?

mommat said...

Those donuts look as big as someone's head. WOW!

Talltiffany said...

How cool! Joe and I totally watched that program. THey make pretty crazy donuts. Some really weird flavors!