Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just to Catch Up!

So I was so worried about keeping the kids busy this Summer but we have been going non-stop. Went on vacation had a awesome time wish I could go back! The kids have had two different weeks of Bible School which they really enjoy and its free and they are gone for a couple hours! Savannah has swim team practice monday thru Friday so that keeps her and me busy! Then she has some swim meets coming up in the next couple weeks so that will be fun! We are gonna try and go camping here in the next couple weeks the kids want to go so bad! We have the Tanton family reunion coming up on Aug 21st that will be fun. C. is home now but Dad left for Baghdad yesterday so one is home and now we can worry about another but at least he is safer. The kids still have 5 weeks til school starts but it has gone much better than I thought! I have officially signed up for the 1/2 marathon I am gonna do! I am excited and nervous but it will feel great to accomplish something that I would never thought I would do! I will post different pics from the last couple weeks! And I am a bad mom and forgot to post something for Savannah's birthday she turned 9 on the 19th! Oh and Hunter starts football in a couple weeks and I am starting the cookie dough fundraiser for that! So Hunter is trying to win the top prize of whoever sells the most cookie dough a minimum of 75 tubs he will win a x box 360! So if there are any of you who want to support him let us know!!! Then Hunter, Sage and Cooper start swim lessons next week so I think I have done pretty good at keeping them busy! I will be better and post more over the next couple weeks! Oh and for Savannah's birthday I took her, Sage and her friend Kaylee to see Eclipse they were very excited and when it was over they said it was Awesome! I also had a girls night out with some friends for one of our friends birthday we had fun! And Hunter has had Summer school for the last few weeks as well and he didn't complain so that is good because he was not happy about going at all so it must of been better than he expected!!


Shan B. said...

Holy Cow!! I can barely keep up :)

gramaof8 said...

Enjoy!! Winter slows things down a bit then you will have time to breath.. Have fun.

mommat said...

you have been busy and the summer is flying by.... I can't believe it is already august..

Talltiffany said... have been VERY busy! Time has flown by. I am looking forward to coming to OR! Can you go to the coast on the Friday before the's b-day?