Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sage Had Surgery!

Today Sage had surgery to put tubes in her ears again and they also took out her adenoids too! It went really well and she is now home doing good she is even up and playing. She said her ears hurt a little bit ago but gave her some Tylenol and she is good. Ethan also had surgery today to get tubes in his ears we thought we were being pretty cool having them schedule the same day and they ended up in different buildings of the new hospital! Oh well we tried! But Ethan,Niki and Mom came over and saw Sage once Ethan could go home! Sage did not like having a IV they didn't put in until they put her to sleep but after the surgery that is what she kept crying about wanting it out! I got to go back with her until she was asleep then I went to the waiting room! So here are some pics of her! Oh the elephant is hers she brought with her the nurses got him ready for surgery too! They were really great with her!


cathy said...

that is tough .i remeber jordan in grade 2 got his appendix out then a few months after that had his tonsils out , but the good thing it was christmas so santa came . but you sure wish you could take the pain away .

gramaof8 said...

glad to hear they are both doing well!!!
Hopefully this will help with all the ear struggles for them both

Jenie said...

Poor kids, glad to hear she is doing well!

Shan B. said...

Glad to hear everything went well.

mommat said...

They both did great other than struggling to wake up, which is what made Ethan the maddest. Being awake but not being able to open your eyes, or keep them open...but they were both troopers and did great. Hopefully that will put an end to the back to back ear infections.

Branzilla said...

Looks like Sagie did great and Ethan too.

Talltiffany said...

I hate IV's too! No fun. Glad she is doing so well now.