Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Moon Tickets!!

So as you guys can see I have my New Moon countdown and I just found out that you can buy your tickets already for the movie!! So I bought mine on Saturday for November 20th!!!! I am so excited!!! Now I just need to decide where we are gonna go to dinner! So I got my friends Micheal and Brandy to read the books and they got hooked especially Micheal! So Rob and I and then Micheal and Brandy are all gonna go to dinner and the movie!! Well we want to make shirts to wear for the movie so if any one has some ideas send them my way! We just wanted to have unique ones since alot of people will be wearing whatever ones that will go on sale before the movie in stores! So any ideas that you guys want to send my way would be so awesome!!!


Shan B. said...

I'm so impressed!! I got my countdown from you. I need to buy my tix but need to find peeps to go with me. Are you going to the midnight showing?

Talltiffany said...

I can't see your countdown? Maybe it's my computer. I am excited too. You guys are great! I LOVE that you are going to make t-shirts. How fuN!

summerseverydaymoments said...

No midnight showing Rob works that night and I that is hard time to find someone to watch the kids!

The Nickster said...

Your great i'm excited for you i was gonna get you a poster of the movie from wal mart the other day but i was like the president of the twilight club probably already has this poster haha jk

rebecs said...

president of the twilight book club huh?? (good one niki!)