Monday, August 11, 2008


Okay so my cousin Jessie started this so thought I would try in on my blog as well could be interesting!

Sounded like a fun tag, so here we go!

Let's see who reads my blog... and who's gutsy enough to comment!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad, but be nice!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.



mommat said...

Being that it is the Olympics...I think of all you girls reinacting the gymnastics events in the living room. Blanket spread out for the floor excercise...another rolled up for the balance beam. And of course you picked your favorite olympian to and Tiffany always chose first, being the oldest, (or the bossiest..I,m not sure which came in to play the most). You would play/compete for hours.

The Nickster said...

I remember that I loved being around you all the time and would do anything you told me to and one day all the other girls were teasing me saying i was like your slave and would do whatever you said so the next thing you asked me to do i said NO and you said if I didn't you would't be my sister anymore and I locked myself in the bathroom crying so hard and wrote you a letter begging for you to be my sister again. Oh poor me! haha thats a memory i have

Sheep-Dog said...

Oh there were so many memories, but swimming to Grande Island was when I learned my little girl was not so little any more. It seemed like I was swimming to China. I felt so bad that you had worried about me when I should have been worring about you. I learned that you could do so much more than I thought you could.